Thursday, December 7, 2023



Pitch A: A Young girl is exhausted by her mundane life, she creates an alternate world in her mind and interacts with the creatures there but what is to become of her when the creatures try to take control.

Pitch B: A girl gets into her dream design school, excited for the new experience, however her rivals had other plans. Just how far will she go to execute her revenge.

Pitch A is really inspiring for me. I can come up with a lot of ideas for it because I take inspiration from my own life. It is easier to film because I would be the only /Main character. Finding areas to film are easily accessible for this idea as well. This idea portrays a whimsical and fantasy feel, mixed with a little thriller. This brings excitement to the potential film intro. I believe this pitch is intriguing and will grab the audiences attention. 

Pitch B would be a thriller mixed with a slice of life film. I suggested this idea because it is relatable for me and revolves around fashion, which is a big part of my life this makes it easier to film. This idea, however requires a large group of actors, which I unfortunately don't have access to at the moment. A major part of the scene would have to be filmed in a fashion lab, which I have means to but something such as this, isn't exactly, readily available. 

Ultimately, I have decided to go with pitch A, simply because it’s easier to film and an interesting genre.

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  MY CCR split into 2 parts because it was easier to upload this way. PART 1 PART 2